Send via Own Domain Name

If you want to send emails from BestInvoicing using your own domain name, for example, you need to add some technical information to your domain name settings in order to allow BestInvoicing to send emails via this domain.

Don't own the domain name you're using? In that case, use the SMTP method.

Your emails can be sent as follows:

FieldWhat the email recipient sees

Sender name

Your company name, as registered in your Company Information

Sender email address

Your email address, as registered in your Company Information (e.g. or another address within the same domain name (e.g.

Reply address

Your email address, as registered in your Company Information (e.g. or another address within the same domain name (e.g.

Edit Email Settings

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of the screen (email address) and click to open the menu

  2. Select 'Company Settings'

  3. Select 'Email Settings', then click the yellow button 'Edit'

Select the Right Delivery Method

BestInvoicing provides a number of different delivery methods. If you want to use your own domain name, select option 2: 'Send via own email address 'Configuration required'.

This may look as follows:

If you stay within the same domain name with the email addresses that you fill above, you may go straight to 'Email Verification Settings'. If for example you've chosen an email address as reply address that is under a different domain name, click the green button 'Retrieve Configuration Settings'.

In order to make sure your emails are not marked as SPAM, you need to change a couple of settings on the management level of your domain name. This information may also be passed on to the manager of your domain name who may change these settings for you. They appear at the bottom of the page:

After changing these records, return to BestInvoicing and click 'Save' to apply the chosen email sending method.

Use the button 'Download settings as PDF' to generate a PDF containing the technical information, to be passed on to your domain name manager.

Select an Alternative Sending Address

Last updated